A curated collection of topics and resources to support you in healing from diet culture, leaning into Intuitive Eating (and living) and finding greater peace with food, eating, movement and digestion.
Binge Eating Disorder Support & Resources
Binge Eating Disorder Support & Resources Binge eating disorder is a mental health condition and is the most common eating disorder. It can impact people of all sizes, shapes, ages and identities. If you are concerned you are struggling with binge eating disorder...
3 Things You Should Know About Emotional Eating
3 important things to consider if you are concerned about emotional eating. Diet culture has HEAPS to say on the experience of emotional eating and in my opinion it’s shaming, unhelpful, un-compassionate and often also untrue. 1) The first and really important thing...
Could Positive Body Affirmations Support Your Relationship with Your Body?
What is an Affirmation? If the term positive body affirmation throws you a bit, or the word affirmations in general, you’re not alone. Let's take a big step back and try to orient to our most curious self before diving further in. We can think about affirmations as...
Your Next Read? Intuitive Eating Book Summary
What is Intuitive Eating? Let's take an overview of the Intuitive Eating Book. Intuitive Eating is an evidence-based approach to eating that was developed in the mid-90s by two Dietitians, Elyse Resche and Evelyn Tribole. It is a flexible and compassionate approach...
What Do I Do When People Start Talking About Dieting and Weight?
What do I do when people start talking about dieting or weight loss?!
10 Ways to Be Kind To Your Body:
Whatever is going on for you, here are some things you might offer yourself. This is hard, but you can still practice caring for yourself and your body even if you are in a place where you are feeling really unhappy with it. You are still deserving of care.
The Dark Side of Compliments
We know compliments can be wonderful things, but they have a dark side when it comes to how diet culture twists them.
A Diet by Any Other Name
Diet culture only stays alive and well if the consumer keeps consuming and when there are billions of dollars in profit on the line it’s easy to understand the force behind the drive to stay “relevant”. So is THIS a die?