PCOS support, disordered eating care, PCOS Dietitian

Understand your experience of PCOS and the best ways to navigate it without a side of weight stigma

About Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS is a syndrome which while having a clear set of diagnostic criteria, called the Rotterdam Criteria, can be experienced very differently person to person. There is no one way a person living with PCOS physically appears, feels or experiences their PCOS. We’re here to support you in getting familiar with YOUR experience. Scans and bloods are very important but they are only a few pieces of the puzzle. 

While the exact cause or causes of PCOS still aren’t fully understood PCOS is believed to involve a combination of genetics and other factors involving various systems of the body which interact with and impact one another. This seems to include neuroendocrine, metabolic and ovarian dysfunction components. Many individuals living with PCOS feel frustrated by their symptoms and experience a significant delay in their PCOS being identified and diagnoses. It is thought that a majority of individuals living with PCOS are still currently undiagnosed. 

Individuals living with PCOS may experience or struggle with:

  • Excess facial hair and body hair
  • Irregular menstrual cycle (please see a gyno!)
  • Thinning hair
  • Primal feeling cravings for carbohydrate foods
  • Acne
  • Weight cycling
  • Low energy
  • Disordered eating
  • Issue with sleep
  • Body image struggle
  • Sensation of heaviness
  • Body aches and stiffness
  • Altered hunger and fullness cues
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Low grade inflammation
  • Other commonly co-occurring conditions: type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, low grade inflammation, psychological distress, eating disorder or disordered eating, sleep disorders, mood disorders and psychological disorders. 

While we don’t have a cure for PCOS there are lots of options you can be supported in exploring for how to manage your PCOS experience and symptoms. As non diet Dietitians we don’t believe dieting and weight loss have a place in your PCOS self care plan. We see how harmful and counterproductive these behaviors actually are for our clients physical and mental health. Individuals living with PCOS are at an increased risk for disordered eating, eating disorders and body image challenges. You deserve to have a peaceful relationship with food, eating and your body AND feel more confident and empowered to navigate your PCOS symptoms.  We walk through considering things like gentle nutrition, targeted supplements, stress management, sleep and movement with you which could all play a positive role in supporting you if you choose. 

Large tree with expanise exposed roots and sunlight shining through leaves
Woman with hands over heart offering self compassion for PCOS challenges

W&N provides weight inclusive support to adults who are living with PCOS. It’s important to note that while some individuals living with PCOS may experience some physically visible symptoms living with PCOS actually does not look one way. If you want nutrition care without a side of weight stigma (and simply being told “to just lose weight” to manage your symptoms…….cue massive eye roll) we are so here for it. If you feel like you might be living with PCOS but aren’t sure we want to encourage you to reach out for support. 

Non-diet weight inclusive approach to PCOS

Supporting you in finding a more peaceful relationship with food, eating and body is central to care at Wander and Nourish Nutrition and we believe the best way to offer that support to you is through the non diet weight inclusive approach.

We believe that each unique individual will settle at a weight their body feels safest and most comfortable at while that individual’s focus is actually on fostering a nurturing and nourishing relationship with food, eating, movement and body. There are many factors that influence health and weight and it’s important to consider these compassionately and holistically.

An important thing to know about the weight inclusive approach is that weight loss interventions are not offered as a part of your care. All sizes and shapes of bodies are welcome and care provided is not oriented around using food, nutrition or movement to try and make your body fit into certain parameters but rather to adequately and fully nourish it and both manage and improve symptoms whatever you and your body may be experiencing and need. We provide space to have conversations about body image, beauty ideals, weight stigma and bias, intersecting identities and privileges and work to stay curious together is offered.

What helps each person find greater peace, autonomy, authenticity and healing in a culture that constantly policies bodies is what we seek to explore with you from the lense of food and eating. You and your body are not a problem. You and your body deserve to take up space and deserve care and nourishment. The way you experience the world and your body are unique so your care will be too. 

The non-diet approach (also often called a weight inclusive approach or anti-diet approach) is aligned with the Health At Every Size® paradigm of care. The non-diet approach focuses on:

Providing respectful care (centers the person’s lived experience and respects them as the expert on themselves)

Encouraging re-connection with internal body cues to support rebuilding body trust where diet culture has damaged it

Encourages eating and movement for well-being and life enhancement instead of for intentional weight control

Honoring body diversity

Considering the social determinants of health

How It Works


Let’s arrange a free call to connect. Not sure if you are ready to engage with a Dietitian or if a weight inclusive approach or Intuitive Eating Dietitian is the right fit for you? We would love to meet you and answer your questions to help you decide next best steps for yourself with what might be showing up with your food, eating or digestion.


An hour just for you. We’ll begin to explore more about what might not be feeling so great right now, where you may have been, what you may have tried already and what you desire to feel/be different moving forward with my support. We explore and consider your goals and values and create a plan together for moving forward towards them based on what matters most.


A more peaceful relationship with food, eating and body. More confidence and tools to navigate food, feelings and body image in your day to day life. Getting head space, time and energy back to use on things that really matter to you. 

PCOS Care Options



Not sure about next steps in finding more peace with food, eating and body? An Exploration Call is an opportunity to connect via video chat (or phone if that is your preference) to meet and explore your questions further before you book any appointments.

The thought of talking about food, eating and your body can bring up a lot of different feelings. You may have had interactions with healthcare professionals (including Dietitians) in your past which may have left you feeling hesitant or uncertain about working together. This call is simply a little space created for you to explore what next steps might be right for you and to meet the human who might be supporting you with them.



Before we even meet you will be invited to complete some intake forms which ask a variety of questions about you as a whole person. In our first appointment we want to learn even more about your journey so far in and with your body, food, eating, movement and health. You are the expert on yourself and we respect that. In a first appointment, we explore more specifically together what you hope would feel/be different than it might be right now with your food, eating, body image, movement etc.

As we talk through your needs, desires and consider your lived experience we work together to start to unpack and understand binge eating disorder and create a plan to support you. 



Our follow up appointments will vary based on what your goals are, what questions you bring with you, what experiences you have since we last met, what things you may have chosen to focus on between appointments and what you most hope to get out of our time together when we meet. We will both continue to learn more about you as we go. All appointments will be guided by non-diet weight inclusive approaches to health.


Lingering questions? Let’s see if we can help with that.

Do you accept Private Health Insurance?

Yes. Different Private Health Insurance Funds will cover a different number of sessions with a Dietitian or cover different amounts per appointment so it’s important to check with your particular provider to see what they offer. If private health is available to you to use for Dietitian services you will be able to submit your paid invoice after your appointment directly to your health insurance provider in order to get reimbursed by them. 

I have a Care Plan, how does that work if I want to work with you?

A Care Plan may be created by your Doctor to support you in accessing care from other providers at a reduced cost. There are two types of Care Plans which can be used to access my services. Wander and Nourish does not Bulk Bill, so even if you have a Care Plan mentioned below, there will be a gap fee which you are responsible for paying.

If you have been diagnosed with binge eating disorder you will likely have an Eating Disorder Management Plan from your Doctor. You will have 20 sessions allocated to working with a Dietitian through this plan. You will also need support from a psychologist under this plan. Please discuss any questions or concerns with your Doctor. Currently (2024) under these plans Medicare will help cover $60.35 of the appointment cost for seeing a Dietitian. 

Important Notes: 

  • You do not have to have a care plan to work with me. 
  • You do not have to stop working with me once you have used your allocated appointments on your Care Plan (should you need and desire support past those appointments). 
  • I am happy to discuss fees for moving forward if you find yourself in the position where you have used your allocated appointments but desire/need further support and finances are a barrier to that.
I have Private Health Insurance AND a Care Plan from my GP, can I use both?

You cannot combine Private Health Funds and Care Plans for the same appointment. You could however use one of these to help cover costs until it runs out and then swap to the other if you have access to both. Alternatively you may like to see which one has a higher reimbursement and use that option first. The choice is completely up to you. 

I don’t have a care plan, can I still work with you?


Do you work with NDIS clients?

Not at this time.

I don’t live nearby, can I still work with you?

Yes. I am happy to offer Telehealth appointments which means you can work with me no matter where you find yourself in the state, country or world. If you are planning to use a Care Plan or Private health Insurance to to help cover costs you will want to check to ensure that they will reimburse for Telehealth and how many appointments and how much they might cover per appointment. 

  • Some clients will be better suited for in-person local care when possible.
  • When possible I recommend at least the initial appointment being in person.
What is Intuitive Eating?

Intuitive Eating is an anti-diet eating as self care framework made up of 10 guiding principles originally created by Evelyn Tribole MS, RDN, CEDRD-S and Elyse Resch MS, RDN, CEDRD-S, FAND. The principles are not new rules which must be followed but rather exist to support you in moving away from the external rules and control of diet culture and history of dieting and instead tuning back into your body’s own signals, needs and your preferences.

The 10 Guiding Principles of Intuitive Eating are: 1) Reject the Diet Mentality 2) Honor Your Hunger 3) Make Peace with Food 4) Challenge the Food Police 5) Discover the Satisfaction Factor 6) Feel Your Fullness 7) Cope with You Emotions and Kindness 8) Respect Your Body 9) Movement-Feel the Difference 10) Honor Your Health with Gentle Nutrition. Intuitive Eating is an evidenced based weight inclusive approach to food, eating, body and health.

There is a certification process providers must go through to become a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor in order to understand the nuances of how to support clients through this approach. Lisa is a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. Having an eating disorder does not mean you cannot pursue Intuitive Eating, but it does mean you will want to pursue working with a clinician who is trained in Intuitive Eating and Eating Disorders so they can appropriately and safely support you. Some of the principles and pieces of Intuitive Eating are helpful to integrate early on and some of them need to be saved and embraced later in your journey. 

What is a non-diet or weight inclusive approach anyway?

The non-diet approach (also often called a weight neutral approach, weight inclusive approach or anti-diet approach) is aligned with the Health At Every Size® paradigm of care and embraces mindfulness and Intuitive Eating to remove the focus on using eating or movement to achieve weight loss. This approach honors body diversity and encourages connection with internal body cues to rebuild body trust where diet culture has broken it. You can learn more about HAES® here. You can read more about the non-diet approach here.

I’m not sure if this type of approach is right for me...

I can understand that this approach to health, food, eating and body may sound quite different than what you have pursued before and the messaging you may have been given (and are currently being given). I also believe that you are doing your best with what you have to take care of yourself. You might like to consider booking an Exploration Call with me.

I am happy to hear more about what fears or concerns you might have about taking this new approach to what is going on in your relationship with your body, health and food right now before you book an appointment. If you feel like you just can’t go on another diet, wish your relationship with food and your body felt more peaceful and flexible, wish you spent less time thinking about eating and exercise, are tired of trying to control your body size and shape or are tired of being provided with care that felt like it only cared about your body size and shape- it’s worth reaching out to ask more.

You may also like to consider signing up for the monthly Newsletter: Nourishing News or following @wanderandnourish on Instagram to follow along for a while as you consider what you want for yourself and what you need. 

How many appointments will I need to plan for?

Care at Wander and Nourish is very individualized. This means each client’s path forward looks different depending on their needs and concerns. Support for healing and recovering from an eating disorder at Wander and Nourish will be coordinated with other important members of your care team including your Doctor and a psychologist.

Initially regular weekly appointments with your Dietitian will be set up (or as close to as possible). Your Dietitian and team will work to problem solve and collaborate with you when this feels difficult to navgiate (which can be for many valid reasons). Typically several weeks of appointments are planned for and set aside for you during your first or second appointment to help support regular and consistent care.

Your Dietitian will continue to check in with you and other members of your care team as you work together to adjust frequency of your appointments as needed to continue to offer you the best care possible.

What are your fees?

Initial appointments in person or via Telehealth cost $220 AUD and follow up appointments cost $190 AUD. If you have an Eating Disorder Management Plan (AUS) this will help reduce the cost for you for 20 appointments. I understand finances can be stressful and get in the way of you receiving the care you want and need.

If this feels like it might get in the way of your engaging in care and support at this time, please reach out to [email protected] or book an Exploration Call so we can discuss further what options might be available to you. You are always deserving of care and support.