Tips for Navigating Food over the Holidays

Tips for Navigating Food over the Holidays

Help for Navigating Food and Eating During the Holiday Season Food over the holidays......... The holiday season is a period of time annually that can hold a lot of different experiences, thoughts and feelings for different people.  Family dynamics. Shifting plans....

Intuitive Eating 101

Intuitive Eating 101

What Intuitive Eating isn't For starters, it is important to clarify one very important thing that Intuitive Eating is not. Intuitive Eating is not a new weight loss diet or diet at all. Unfortunately diet culture fights to stay relevant and is already actively...

Nourishing Yourself: Hydration

Nourishing Yourself: Hydration

Practical tips for water haters and those who struggle with hydration and/or their bowel movements. Fun Fact: The human body is roughly 50-60% fluids and not unlike a house plant we all need regular and thoughtful hydrating to be well nourished. As we move through the...